Thursday, April 25, 2013

                                     Flowers from Fernanda

We would like to tell you a little about Fernanda. She is another one of our precious, sweet girls here at the project. She has a brilliant smile and lots of energy. However, transition has been difficult for her. Here she has rules, responsibilities and she has to go to school. Some days she will just simply refuse to do her chores, do her homework or go to school.  I’ll ask her why she didn’t go to school today and she will tell me “it is boring”. We give her a lot of reasons to go but the one that usually gets her is when we tell her that we love her and that’s why we want what is best for her. A lot of times after school she finds me when I’m working. I never know when I will hear her call
my name and see her smile and wave or see her peeking around a corner. Occasionally
she will even climb up the scaffolding to deliver some small yellow flowers she
found or a crayola masterpiece of Jesus she made. She requires a lot of special
attention and at times can be a hand full for the staff. However, she is a special
child of God. When we look around here in Honduras we can think “there
are just too many and we can’t reach them all.” This is true. But for now we know we
can reach these here at Manuelito and today Fernanda is safe and cared for and will continue to be. Today she is learning more and more of what it means to be a child of the King.  And when we think of the alternative, we praise God and thank Him for Project Manuelito.

And Fernanda will "praise you because she is fearfully and wonderfully made.  Your works are wonderful and she will know that full well!"
Psalm 139:14

  "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Semana Santa

Things never slow down at Manuelito and we are moving right along!  We have two teams here this week, one from Hope Teams International in Oregon and another from Gas City, IN. It is also Holy Week this week so the kids have had off school!

The team from Oregon has been doing Bible School activities with the kids and they are having an amazing time learning Bible stories, doing crafts and participating in some great games!  Thank you for all the love that you have shown our children this week!

The other team from Indiana has been busy working on the new work team building.  Their progress has been incredible! We are so grateful!  As you can see from the photos we are getting so close to being able to use this building!  And what a blessing it will be to the project!  Thank you  for all your hard work! 

And so the old saying is true..."Many hands make light work!"
And there are many hands who have worked on various projects, many hearts who have loved our children, many prayer warriors who've prayed without ceasing... THANK YOU! 

Together we make a great team!

"For just as we have in one body many members, but the members do not all have the same function, so we, although many, are one body in union with Christ, but members belonging individually to one another." Romans 12:4-5